viviane Trubey

Viviane Trubey is a Canadian painter working from her studio in North Augusta, Ontario. She favors the fine art medium of pastel for its extended color range and versatility. She adapts her pastel application technique to the visual impression desired. The finish may look smooth or textured, with a sense of space and atmosphere in the scene; a sense of beauty or nostalgia may be felt by the viewer of the painting.

Her paintings represent contemporary realism and impressionism styles. Some may be landscapes or seascapes; others are unique arrangements of objects for still life paintings. Always challenging herself, she also paints replicas of master artworks from the 19 th century, in pastel, closely resembling the original look in oil.

Her early artistic tendencies were in fine art photography – focusing on orchids, and landscapes. She then experimented with digital photo collages, using her own vast collection of photographs. What followed was a desire to achieve a painterly approach and to find her own voice in traditional methods. In 2011, she enrolled part-time at the Academy of Realist Art (Toronto and Ottawa) for training in drawing, and oil painting.

​Having won a box of pastel sticks in 2019, she embarked on this new passion for pastel painting. She is strongly committed to continuous improvement and new painting challenges. Starting in 2022, she submits selected paintings to several North-American Pastel Societies’ juried national and international competitions and exhibitions. She is honored to have many accepted in these and is receiving recognition for her submissions.

Studio Location: North Augusta ON

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