Monique van Someren

Monique van Someren lives in Elizabethtown-Kitley, Canada, with her spouse and two rescue dogs. Their home offers a breathtaking view of the St. Lawrence River, a constant source of inspiration for Monique’s art.

Monique is a Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts graduate and has always been passionate about painting, drawing, and photography. Her creative journey has spanned several decades, resulting in a vast collection of works that bring her immense joy and fulfilment.

Monique’s art is a celebration of nature’s beauty and the charm of everyday objects that often go unnoticed. She hopes her creations inspire viewers to take a moment to appreciate the wonders of the natural world and the little treasures surrounding us.

Coloured pencils with a touch of alcohol markers and airbrush are Monique’s preferred mediums for drawing on paper. On the other hand, her paintings are mainly oil on canvas or wood.

Studio Location: Arts Hub Brockville, Studio 3

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