Christine Mathers Thompson

I am Christine Mathers Thompson, an innovative and vibrant abstract artist. Born in Toronto, I have made the picturesque Leeds Grenville area my home since 2005. My upbringing seamlessly intertwined art, culture, and nature.

My artistic process is distinctly intuitive, often channeling emotions stirred by current events. My canvas becomes a medium for my endeavor to understand humanity's intricate relationship with nature. Through abstract forms and emotive strokes, I paint unseen realities influenced by the connections between humans and animals, the winds buffeting mountains, and the deep, affectionate understandings between beings.

I have refined my technique through the Creative Vision Programs with Nicholas Wilton, enriched further by art workshops in Majorca and Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2021 and 2022. This educational journey has sculpted my distinct abstract style, blending organic and geometric forms, resonating with emotional depth and visual curiosity.

My work has been exhibited locally at venues such as:

  1. The Prescott Library

  2. Spencerville Muse Gallery

  3. ClineHouse Gallery in Cornwall

Described as "exciting, refreshing, and appealing," my pieces draw viewers in with life-filled compositions. I am committed to the community, offering art journaling classes and maintaining active membership in the Art2Life CVP Alumni and the Art2Life Academy.

My art, filled with emotional and intuitive resonance, offers a unique, thought-provoking, and inviting perspective. It stands as a testament to my values and beliefs, advocating for the role of art in understanding and reflecting our shared humanity. My goal remains to continually evolve as an artist, push boundaries, and explore the unseen realms of human experience through the making of abstract art. 

Studio Location: Prescott ON

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